Join in and win!

September 15. 2024

TOP prices in September

We invite their department (10 people) to a delicious pizza (breakfast) meal. You tell us when and we take care of the rest.

Do you already appreciate our system technology for doors?

Then you'll love our system service!

We always think and work within a system.
With our products - and with our service.

We will put together the service package you need to suit your requirements. If you wish, we can also provide a comprehensive package: from support with planning to routine maintenance after installation.

Our service flyer provides you with clear information about our services.

Whether mechanical or mechatronic: our system service covers everything you need. No more and no less.

We have the solution.

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Our question about ECO Day in
September 2024:

Which of these services is part of our system service?

You want to comment on your selection?
Then we can further improve our online offering.

And don't forget: The next ECO Day is already on the 15th of next month.

For our fans & friends:

The 15th of the month is now ECO Day

As a family business, we value direct contact with our partners and customers. Because only a strong cooperation creates innovative and functional solutions around the door.

For decades, we have been closely connected with our Fans & Friends from industry, trade, architecture and planning.

Now we have invented ECO DAY to further strengthen this partnership.